Autumn - Term 1
Term 1
The Otters have had a brilliant first term in Year 4 and I am incredibly proud of how they have coped with the transition and welcomed me into the classroom. Thank you Otters!
In Science, they have been looking at the human body. We then used this knowledge to do a data collection around the school grounds. The children collected data of vertebrae animals around the school and then presented their findings in the form of a bar chart.
In RE, we have been focusing on the Bible and we have looked at different stories and passages. In our most recent lesson, we looked at David and why he was chosen and looked at the story of David and Goliath and its message. For St Teresa’s day we looked at the prayer of St Teresa and looked at it line by line to understand its meaning. We then demonstrated our understanding by showing in pictures what the prayer means. The children then spent their afternoons with their houses learning about their house Saints.
In Maths, we have been looking at addition and subtraction and remembering how to exchange in multiple columns with four-digit numbers. The children have remembered this from Year 3 and have applied their knowledge brilliantly to their work.
In English we have been looking at Biographies with a focus on Matthew Henson and Rosa Parks. It is Black History Month so we focused on significant black people and their inspiring stories.
In Geography, Year 4 have been looking at Biomes with a focus on the Amazon rainforest. This unit will carry on after half term but they have looked at the human and physical features of a desert and a rainforest Biome.