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St Teresa's Catholic Primary School

Christ be our Light

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Christ be our Light

Autumn - Term 2

Term 2


The Otters have had a brilliant term and have been working hard across the curriculum - well done Otters!


In Science, they have been looking at States of Matter. They have carried out multiple experiments to see how a solid can turn into a liquid, how a liquid can turn into a gas and how a gas can turn into a liquid using water and ice. The children have also looked at how all of this works together in the water cycle. They have recorded information using equipment such as thermometers and used observations to make conclusions. 


In RE, we have been focusing on our Trust in God and we have looked at different stories and passages. They have learned about Jonah and the Whale and Zecharia. They also revisited Mary's visit from the Angel Gabriel and discussed how this was an act of trust from Mary to be the mother to our saviour.

The children also had a day learning about Hinduism, the story of Rama and Sita and got together with their school houses to complete an activity. 


In Maths, we have been learning our times tables and have improved so much. We have looked at the 6s, 7s, 9s, 11s and 12s and learnt multiplication and division facts. We continue to practice all of our times tables weekly. You may have noticed some certificates coming home to show their amazing learning of the 3s, 4s and 5s. 


In English, we have been looking at Non-chronological reports and quest stories. The children wrote lovely reports about their own 'perfect pet' based off the story 'Barnabus: The failed project.' They also enjoyed reading the Firework Maker's Daughter and wrote their very own quest stories. 


In Geography, Year 4 have been looking at Biomes with a focus on the Amazon rainforest. They had a great trip to the Warren where they collected data on how our local woodland was used and then compared this to the Amazon rainforest. 


The Otters had a great DT day, learning to make Linkages and Levers to make Christmas cards for their friends and families. The final products were incredible and the children were very proud of their work. 


Lastly, the class had their Christmas Mime which they rehearsed and worked hard to produce. We are very proud of their amazing production and the hard work they put in!


We hope they have a well earned rest and a wonderful Christmas - ready for Spring Term!

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Trust Information

St Teresa's Catholic Primary School is an academy, and part of the Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership. The Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address: Barham Court, Teston, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 5BZ. St Teresa's Catholic School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
