Learning Showcase
Term 3
We would like to send our thanks to our wonderful adults who were able to visit our class and read a favourite story to us as part of national ‘story telling week’.
We thoroughly enjoyed our ‘skip2Bfit’ workshop and are trying hard to beat our personal best targets at playtimes now.
We begun this term looking at money and learning about different amounts using different coins. We then looked at worded problems where we had to calculate change. We have then moved on to learning about the multiplication symbol. We have been on an array hunt around School. We then created our own arrays and wrote number sentences to match the array.
In our science lessons we have been using our classifying skills to sort a selection of plants in a variety of different ways. We learnt that the seed of a plant is found in the fruit. Some plants are edible and we either eat the root or the leaf, these are vegetables. We used our observational skills to help us decide if the plants were vegetables, fruits or herbs. We are aware that all plants need water and sunlight to grow. We have set up our own investigation to see how important sunlight is for the plant to grow.
In geography we have been looking at our wonderful world. We have been learning the continents and the oceans of the world. We have used atlases and Google earth to help us locate famous landmarks. We have looked at physical and human features in our local area and have created our own maps of our local area with a key. We enjoyed carrying our fieldwork to identify why our natural habitats in our school grounds are so special.
Term 2
It has been yet another busy term in the Lemurs. We enjoyed our first model text 'The journey home' we used this text to inspire us to write our own stories about three endangered animals which all met on a journey to avoid extinction. Our latest model text 'The tear thief' saw us create character descriptions of thieves which didn't steal gold or jewellery but something more precious such as laughter, songs or jokes.
During our maths we have been learning to add and subtract two 2-digit numbers across a ten with the need for an exchange. We used place value chart and base ten to help us before moving on to a pictorial image.
In science we have enjoyed investigating the properties of different materials. The highlight of our science lessons was definitely when we were able to test our kites out. We looked at the different materials our friends used to make their kites and made predictions as to the best material to be used to make our kite fly. We reflected on our kites after we flew them.
During R.E our topic 'Mysteries' has seen us thinking about what heaven is like and understanding the Holy Trinity. As we have approached Advent we all enjoyed making our own Advent wreaths and reflected on what the candles represented and how we can show hope, peace, joy and love during the preparation of the birth of Jesus.
Well done to our lovely Lemurs in the nativity performance this afternoon.
We enjoyed making Christmas stockings for our DT project this term.
We were so lucky that Father Christmas visited us to read us a very special story of his.
R.E day
During our Hinduism R.E day the Lemurs learned about the special Raksha Bandhan celebration. We listened and retold the story of the war between Bali and Indra. Indra was given a bracelet to protect him. Now Rakhi bracelets are made and are exchanged between siblings in a special celebration to show how much they, care, love and will protect each other. The Lemurs made a Rakhi bracelet to give to their sibling or special friend as a symbol that they will protect and care for them too.
We have had a very enjoyable and busy start to year 2 in the Lemurs. In Literacy this term our first model text inspired us to write letters to Mrs Bennett to share how our school values are being reflected in our behaviour around school. Our second model text ‘Rosie Revere Engineer’ led us to visit our church to find out about some of the features. We were able to write information leaflets about St Teresa’s church and shared these with Father Alfred so that visitors to the parish can find out about our special place of worship. Our final model text ‘Coming home’ has inspired us to write a biography about Florella Benjamin.
In maths we have been looking at place value. We have also begun our mastering number program where we have been growing in confidence in using rekenrek to help represent numbers and solve number problems.
In science we have been classifying animals and identifying features of groups of animals and their needs for survival. This has seen us making bird feeders to help feed the garden birds during the cooler months. We investigated the parts of a fish and used our observational skills to draw a scientific drawing of a fish. The Lemurs thoroughly enjoyed a visit from baby William as we looked at the similarities and differences between the needs of a baby and an adult.
During history and geography lessons we have begun to look at our school in the past. We have used O.S. Maps to locate our school today and in the past. We then used primary sources of information to find out about the school in the past. We were lucky to be able to ask Mrs Barnes about St Teresa’s school when she attended over 70 years ago.
During ICT we have begun to learn about the parts of a computer and have designed our own robots with inputs and outputs. Some of our robots worked by sensors, touch screens and buttons.