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St Teresa's Catholic Primary School

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Christ be our Light

Learning Showcase

Year 2 Term 5 

Our Fireflies have been working really hard this term and it is lovely to see them persevering in challenging learning.  We have enjoyed looking at life-cycles and offspring of different animals and looking at the similarities and differences.  We have all been eager to learn about the new life on Mrs Wraight's farm and one of this terms highlights has been our visit from some of the animals.  We have all been really interested how the babies change rapidly from week to week.  This has inspired us with our literacy stories as we have innovated our model text 'The tadpole's promise'.  The chick could not keep it's promise not to change as week by week the stripy yellow bee became heartbroken.  

In maths we have been learning about fractions and finding a fraction of an amount - this has been challenging at times but we have been looking at different strategies which can help us.  As we move towards our half term break we are looking at telling the time on an analogue clock.  We are use to electronic devices in our homes with digital clocks but if we have an analogue watch we are now encouraged to wear one to school.  

In our history and geography we have begun to learn about the history of flying.  We have looked at significant figures and looked at primary sources of information to see what information we can gather from them.  We have used atlases to help us plot the location of such significant events.

In ICT we have been looking at how stop motion has developed over the years.  We have been using a stop motion app on our i-pads to create a short animation and have been using the feature of onion skinning to help our animations move smoothly.  

In R.E. we have been looking at the Eastertide and the coming of the Holy Spirit to the Apostles.  We have also enjoyed our R.E. Faith day where we have been learning all about the faith of Islam.  This week we also welcomed Father Alfred into the Fireflies class as we celebrated our first class Mass.

Year 2 Term 4

It has been yet another busy term in the Fireflies class.  In literacy we have enjoyed our model text “The bear and the piano”.  World book day saw us participating in a vocabulary hunt through the woods, collecting a variety of nouns and adjectives on our way.  We pretended we were different woodland animals and thought about how they would be moving through the woods.  When we came to the clearing in the woods we wondered what strange things were there.  One of the items looked like a colourful shoe with four small wheels on it!  We enjoyed exploring the items and this inspired us to write our class story “The fox and the roller skate”.

We have continued the topic in maths of division and multiplication.  We have explored arrays and can write the division and multiplication fact families for these.  We have all enjoyed learning more about measurement.  We have created recipes for potions and then measured amounts of volume of liquids in ml to create these.  We have measured the length of items in our class as we have explored measuring in cm and m.  This week we have enjoyed measuring mass of amounts in g as we have made cupcakes for our after school cake sale.

In science we have been continuing to learn about animals and their habitats and have looked at their diets and food chains.

In R.E we have visited the church as we have been learning all about the Mass.  Father Alfred enjoyed telling us about the important parts of our church and why they are important in Mass.

Our geography lessons found us finding out more about the coastline and features of the coast.  We enjoyed using sand to create islands.  We pretended our hands were the waves and explored how caves, arches and stacks are formed.

Year 2 Term 3

The Fireflies have been thoroughly engaged with this terms topic ‘The Great Fire of London’.  Our topic began investigating what London is like today.  We researched some of the famous Landmarks.  In geography we have looked at aerial photographs and tried to identify the landmarks.  In history as we learnt about the key events from September 1666 we also looked at different sources of information.  We had fun looking at artefacts and predicting what they were and their uses before learning what they actually were.

In maths we have started looking at multiplication and division.  We have identified arrays in our environment and have been able to write multiplication and division sentences to correspond to the arrays.

We have enjoyed Welly walks during science this term as we have looked at habitats around the world and in our school grounds.

We all enjoyed ‘National story telling week’. A big thank you to Mr McAleavey who came in and read ‘Finn McCool” to us.  We enjoyed the story and acting it out after.  Lucie from the Bees Class joined us to tell us a story in French.  We were able to guess from some of the words and her expression that she was telling us the story of ‘Goldilocks and the three bears’.  We ended ‘National story telling week’ with a live zoom call about story telling while we enjoyed our hot chocolate treat which we had won for our reading achievements last term.

The fireflies enjoyed story telling and acting out the story as part of story telling week.


During maths we have been learning multiplication and division.


During ICT we have been finding out about algorithms.



Christmas fun in the Fireflies class.  We wish all the children and families a very happy Christmas.

Term 2

It has been yet another busy term in the Fireflies.  The beginning of this term our model text 'The Minpins' took our imagination to a world of miniature people as we innovated parts of the story.  The second part of term 'The water protectors' has led us to think about how we can become protectors of our environment around school and places we enjoy visiting locally with our families.


During maths our topic of addition and subtraction has seen us using lots of manipulatives as we have identified when we need to exchange 10 ones for 1 ten to help us solve our number sentences.


In science we have been learning about materials and their properties this has seen us developing our scientific skills through classification, observation and enquiry.


During R.E our topic 'Mysteries' has seen us thinking about what heaven is like and understanding the holy trinity.  As we have approached advent we thoroughly enjoyed making our Christingles for the Christingle mass at the church and performing our nativity play to you all. 

Term 1

We have had a very enjoyable and busy start to year 2 in the Fireflies.  Our first model text saw us creating leaflets to inform Father Alfred all about St Teresa’s church as we welcomed him to our parish.  We visited the church and enjoyed a tour by Mr Gizzi.  Did you know that the stain glass windows were moved carefully from the original church and are now in our new church?  Our second model text saw us looking and finding our more about endangered species.  We wrote our own stories about four endangered animals and the journey they would go on as it wasn’t safe for them to stay at home.  

In science we have been classifying animals and identifying features of groups of animals.  This has seen us making bird feeders to help birds with their basic needs of survival as the weather gets cooler.  We investigated the parts of a fish, looking closely to identify its features.  The Fireflies thoroughly enjoyed a visit from baby Beatrice as we looked at the similarities and differences between the needs of a baby and an adult.


In our topic about St Teresa’s school we have mapped its many locations and looked at the reasons the school changed location. We have been excited to invite past pupils into our class to ask questions about their school experiences and learn how schooling has changed over time.


During ICT we have began to learn about the parts of a computer and have designed our own robots with inputs and outputs.  Some of our robots worked by sensors, touch screens and buttons.


In design and technology we have looked at how it is important to maintain a healthy diet.  This has led us to creating a health wrap.  We enjoyed tasting these at home.


For October’s black history month the Fireflies have learnt about the work and life of Mary Seacole.  We enjoyed grinding ginger, squeezing lemons, and chopping okra and lemon grass to imitate the making of some of Mary’s herbal remedies to help cure the soldiers she cared for.

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St Teresa's Catholic Primary School is an academy, and part of the Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership. The Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address: Barham Court, Teston, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 5BZ. St Teresa's Catholic School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
