Pupil Premium Strategy
Pupil Premium Strategy
The pupil premium grant is funding given by the government, to improve educational outcomes for disadvantaged pupils in state-funded schools in England. St Teresa's maps out the focus for this spending, using research evidence to identify strategies that will have the most impact on outcomes for our children.
The KCSP Pupil Premium Strategy recognises that pupils in receipt of the pupil premium funding do not always have access to the wider cultural and spiritual opportunities that more advantaged pupils do. The 10:10 programme has been implemented in all KCSP academies to address this and to ensure that all pupils, including the most vulnerable and disadvantaged, “may have life, and have it to the full.”
At St Teresa's Catholic Primary School, our provision for this programme is that, during their 7 years as a pupil of St Teresa's, every child will:
- Enjoy outings across a wide range of environments.
- Learn to swim 25 metres and to ride a bike safely on the road.
- Represent the school in an event.
- Prepare and share a meal.
- Take part in a production every year.
- Know how to stay safe both in the real world and online.
- Explore the school grounds to learn about God and nature.
- Become money wise.
- Be inspired by opportunities to explore their musical talents.
- Meet someone who inspires them through their life experiences.
The staff of St Teresa's, across the course of this year, alongside our wider school community, will look at our whole school plan in order to effectively provide these excellent and inspirational opportunities for all of our children.