Home Learning
Children at St Teresa's should be completing three main activities each week:
Read at home regularly. Children who read at least five times a week, and record this in their reading records, receive a raffle ticket to be in with a chance of winning the book box for the week.
- Times Table Rock Stars: A few minutes a day is ideal. https://ttrockstars.com
Spelling Shed: A few minutes each day gets the best results. Complete the assignments set by your teacher and then you can play additional games. Spelling Shed
You can further support your child at home with their learning by completing these activities. These are not compulsory and do not need to be brought to school. They are suggestions for parents who might want to do more at home.
Read to your child! No matter what age, it is beneficial to have books read aloud to them.
Practise and learn key spellings
Accelerated Reader articles can be accessed at home. Children can choose articles to read and quiz on. AR QUIZ LINK
Find out more about current learning (see curriculum newsletters) Foundation subjects
Workbooks can be purchased which would support children's learning at school:
*White Rose Maths Practice Journals can be bought online for £4.99 and cover a year's content. (Link to the correct year group https://www.amazon.co.uk/White-Maths-Practice-Journals-Workbook/dp/1382044755) These are matched to the schemes of learning from White Rose which can be found here (Link to WRM scheme)
*CGP sell a range of books which link to the National Curriculum in many subjects. These can be purchased online or instore in many book stores.