School Uniform
As well as helping our children to look smart, our school uniform has been designed to be simple, easy to wear and look after, and helpful to parents worried about what clothes to buy for school.
Parents have two choices of where to buy their uniform; most supermarkets stock the uniform for St Teresa’s. A plain royal blue jumper or cardigan can be purchased in most supermarkets at a reasonable price along with the other uniform items.
Alternatively, for those parents who wish to opt for a jumper/cardigan with the school logo, you can purchase these at Buckland & Price, our online suppliers, by clicking the link below:

School uniform must be ordered with Price and Buckland by 1st August at the latest in order for it to be received for the start of the school term in September. Please be advised that free delivery to school only applies during term time; deliveries in the school holidays must be paid for and sent to the home address.
Whichever option you decide, please label each item them clearly. Returning unlabelled uniform to the correct child is incredibly difficult without a name!
The school actively promote reusing and recycling of school uniform; parents often send in items that are pre-loved but with life left in them. If you are interested in looking at the preloved items, please pop into the school office and let us know the size and items you are looking for. Also look out for our PTA uniform sales that take place regularly throughout the term.
Our School Uniform

Please see our Uniform Policy below for more details on our uniform.
Uniform Policy
Watches and stud earrings are permitted at school but no other jewellery. Those with pierced ears may wear simple stud earrings which must be removed for P.E. and swimming. If a child is unable to remove and replace their own stud earrings for P.E., they should avoid wearing them on P.E. days. Watches are permitted but should be removed for PE. If your child is getting their ears pierced, this should be done in the summer holidays so that they do not miss PE during the 6 week initial period when earrings cannot be removed.
Hair which is shoulder length or longer should be tied or clipped back at all times. This helps to prevent the spread of headlice. No gels, dyes or styling products allowed in hair.
Lost Property
Each year, hundreds of pounds worth of uniform remains unclaimed, as it has no clear name on it. If an item has a child’s name clearly labelled, it shall be returned to the child’s class by the finder. If the name is illegible or there is no name label, it shall be placed in the lost property box. YR has a separate lost property box where you should search in the first instance if your child’s belongings are missing.