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St Teresa's Catholic Primary School

Christ be our Light

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Christ be our Light





A systematic teaching of phonics has a high priority from the Foundation Stage, developing into Key Stage 1 and continuing where needed in Key Stage 2 also. As a school, we use Little Wandle to teach phonics in daily whole class lessons.



With reading for pleasure being such a key factor in children's academic success, we encourage this throughout the school. From Reception, children are given the opportunity to take home a book to be shared for pleasure. 

Reading lessons start in EYFS with Little Wandle, following the three reads model, with every session having a clear focus: decoding, prosody and comprehension. Children will take their Little Wandle book home each week to celebrate their progress with family.

In KS2, children have daily reading lessons covering a wide range of texts and content. This is to teach them reading skills and also improve their general knowledge of the world- a key factor in ensuring success in reading comprehension. There is a focus across the key stage on improving fluency and reading for understanding. Children access the Accelerated Reader programme which allows teachers to ensure individual progression in reading. It supports us to know that children are reading books at an appropriate level and that they have an understanding of what they read.



Children are encouraged and inspired to write as soon as they start at St Teresa’s. From Reception, mark making develops into emergent writing with Drawing Club providing access to a range of texts and opportunities to write in response to these.

From year 1 upwards, children will write for a particular purpose in each unit of work. Writing will be linked to a key text and sometimes to other curriculum areas as well. Through a unit of writing, pupils will read and analyse example texts in order to understand the structure and language features of the text-type. Pupils will then take part in ‘shared writing’ where vocabulary is collected and displayed for pupils to use. Teachers explicitly model the skills and language to be used including the need to orally rehearse each sentence before writing. Lessons will be included to equip pupils with the knowledge, vocabulary and inspiration needed for the writing. In the final stage, pupils write an independent piece, with time to plan, draft, edit, revise and publish for the intended audience.



Spelling is taught throughout the school using a phonics-based approach. Pupils in year 2 who have completed the Little Wandle programme progress onto Little Wandle Spelling. Children in KS2 follow the Spelling Shed programme. Lessons are taught as part of the English lesson and homework assignments are set to consolidate learning. 


Children will be equipped with the necessary skills for effective communication and future learning. They will read for pleasure and read to learn in all areas across the curriculum. They will produce writing for a variety of purposes and audiences which shows an understanding of literacy knowledge and skills. Children will be able to speak clearly and confidently in a variety of contexts. They will have the ability to listen to the views of others and to respond with courtesy and respect.


Consequently, St Teresa's will produce enthusiastic readers and writers who are confident to discuss and share their ideas.

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Trust Information

St Teresa's Catholic Primary School is an academy, and part of the Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership. The Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address: Barham Court, Teston, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 5BZ. St Teresa's Catholic School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
