St Teresa's Parent Teacher Association
At St Teresa's Catholic Primary School, our Parent Teacher Association support us in providing the school with learning resources and additional items we believe are essential for our whole school community.
Across the course of an academic year, the PTA host various fundraising events to raise money for our school which goes directly back to the children and their learning:
Christmas Fair
Our annual Christmas Fair really gets our whole school community into the Christmas spirit. Children and parents have fun at our wide variety of traditional Christmas stalls, including a raffle, bottle tombola and many different refreshment stands.
Easter Bingo
Our annual Easter Bingo is held every year prior to the children breaking up for their Easter holidays. Each child is asked to bring an egg into school a few days before in exchange for them wearing non-school uniform on that day. The wide variety of eggs are made into bouquets ready for the bingo on the Sunday. This event is one for the whole family and is extremely well attended each year. Eyes down, it's bingo time!
Summer Fair
Our Summer Fair is the event of the year, with a range of traditional summer stalls, games and refreshments on offer! Weather permitting, the event takes place on our large school field and some of the attractions include the coconut shy, inflatables, face painting, craft activities, and, if we are lucky, a local fire engine. There is also a wide variety of food and drink stalls, including a BBQ and traditional foods from around the world thanks to our fantastic families.
In addition, we host a wide variety of other events throughout the year to raise money:
Meetings happen on a termly basis and more regularly when hosting our larger fundraising events. Should you require more information about our Parent Teacher Association or want to become more involved, please use the contact box below- we are always looking for additional support and help, whether you can give a little or a lot!
Who is in the PTA?
2024- 2025 Academic Year Post holders:
Chairperson: Mrs Stephanie Jury
Treasurer: Mrs Karen Blackiston
Facebook page: St Teresa's Catholic Primary School PTA Ashford
Contact can be made via the Facebook page, or by leaving a message at the school office for one of the post holders. Alternatively, you can contact via the contact form below. We are always keen to listen to fresh, new ideas!
Why do we need it?
To raise extra money to help provide the extra resources for our children and teachers which are not included in the school budget. Fortunately there is a real community feeling about the school & that is why the PTA is able to raise so much money. Every event organised by the committee is supported by a different set of parents - any effort, no matter how small, makes a difference.
Do you want to become more involved in our Parent Teacher Association?
If you would like to find out more information about our Parent Teacher Association, find out when meetings are scheduled or just to let us know you can help out at a particular event, please use the contact box below: